
What is VocalEdge?

It’s just a name, really…the name of my LLC. It’s a brand that we hope people will always associate with quality, efficacy, and honesty. VocalEdge is about the business of building and maintaining great voices, connecting the artist’ heart to that great voice, and then creating a strong connection between artist and audience. The vocal method that I teach is basic “bel canto” technique. It’s my history, 3 decades of experience and communication ability that bring the real magic.

Why Call It Anything?

Good question. It’s because today more than ever, image and branding is important. It doesn’t matter how good I am at my job if no one know about me. Therefore, I (like you) have to play the social media game and get my story out there. And we all have to hustle to KEEP the story going. There are SO many “singing methods” being pushed these days; each claiming to have “secrets” and exclusive knowledge. And ALL of them ready to SPAM the sh*# out of your inbox with offers and special deals. So…I call it VocalEdge because I believe I can offer solid coaching for your voice, body, mind, band and stage show, giving you a true Edge to push you closer to your goals.